Sunday, September 11, 2011

The beauty of ethics L'Oreal

     L'Oreal is a company that's meets the moral principles. L'Oreal makes sure every product they produce meets the highest standards. L'Oreal company goal is excellence for every products they produce. L'Oreal is a company that has 23 global brands. L'Oreal is associated with 130 counties throughout the world.When L'Oreal does any business outside the US they meet the laws standards. L'Oreal research team challenge them self  to get the best products out there. All L'Oreal products are regrading scientific information. The L'Oreal company is a very honest company that's committed to their customers and business partners. All the business that L'Oreal participate are regarding the laws standard.
  L'Oreal has 66,600 employees working in the L'Oreal company. L'Oreal aim to make every employee feel in a good healthy environment. The L'Oreal company treats every employee equal with the same respect and value. All employees in L'Oreal company has the right of freedom of speech and to speak theirs minds, ask question and ides. All employees working in L'Oreal has the right to have a healthy, safe working environment.
L'Oreal understand that as a company they must have eco- friendly products. L'Oreal has great deal of consideration to the environment and seek to decrease environment impression on its products. All L'Oreal products are recycle, renewable. L'Oreal takes to consideration to reduce the use of energy and water.
 L'Oreal takes all the actions into consideration to prevent violations L'Oreal environmental

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