Sunday, September 18, 2011

L'Oreal brand is one of the largest beauty cosmetics company.

  L'Oreal is one of the largest beauty company world wide. Having 66,600 employees world wide working for the L'Oreal  company. L'Oreal has been a company thats well respected world wide having loreal products sold in 130 countries. The L'Oreal company has womens from different diversity representing the L'Oreal brand. The L'Oreal brand wants all women to know the are beautiful and worth it.What i love about the L'Oreal brand commercial watching all types of women from different race represent a product. L'Oreal is known to be one of the best cosmetics company in hair color, make up, skin care, body care, sun protection.

 L'Oreal : There's a structured process for integrating a new supply into the L'Oreal supplier community.
   First the supplier and L'Oreal company has a meeting. Second L'Oreal collects information from the supplier. After the L'Oreal company collects information from the supplier the process begins.

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